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What's new so far?

We are starting to upload older and newer material to the website. Instead of putting up a lot all at once at the beginning, we are trying to keep the additions small and digestable.

If you are looking for some inspiration for Yom Haatzmaut you might want to look at the two videos from Chicago 2017 & 2018.

There are three audio shiurim: Things that I learned in the hospital, Amatzia Hamelech and the Introduction to my series on the Jewish Family.

There are also written shiurim in each of our eight categories that we put up at the beginning.

ארץ ישראל נקנית ביסורין

אישיותו של דוד המלך

קורס על מדרש אגדה

קיצור הלכות ספר תורה

שיעור עיון במסכת פסחים על זריזין מקדימים למצוות

שיחה לל"ג בעומר

אהבה ויראה

שיחה לפרשת אמור

Would love to hear your comments.

Yom Haatzmaut Sameach

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